
Lower Reaches of the Teshio River
Birds That Can be Seen in Autumn

In the lower reaches of the Teshio River, you can see a variety of birds in autumn. Let me introduce you to some of these birds!

1 Flock of greater white-fronted geese
In the lower reaches of the Teshio River, you can see flocks of greater white-fronted geese resting and foraging together with bean goose and swans for a short time in spring and autumn as a stopover point for migration. They can be seen flying in large flocks at sunrise and sunset.

2 Long-tailed tit
This is a common small bird found in the forests along the Teshio River. Shimaenaga (long-tailed tit in Hokkaido) is a subspecies and is popular for its cuteness.

3 White-tailed Eagle
These birds of prey breed near the Teshio River and at the estuary coast, feeding on fish and ducks. They feed on dead salmon that have finished spawning and other fish in the fall and winter, and some of them overwinter together with Steller’s sea eagles.

4 Marsh Tit
These small birds can be seen throughout the year in the forests along the Teshio River.

5 Common redpoll
These small birds are sometimes seen in flocks from autumn to spring. The number of birds flying in fluctuates from year to year, so there are some years when very few can be observed, but many flocks were seen during the spring 2020 National Census on River Environments.

6 Black-faced bunting
These small birds can be seen mainly from spring to autumn in the forests and grasslands along the Teshio River. Black-faced bunting is a summer bird, it is not seen in winter as it has migrated south.

7 Grey-tailed Tattler
They can be seen on sandbars, coastal mudflats, and sandy beaches along the Teshio River during spring and autumn migration.

8 Wood Sandpiper
They are sometimes seen on sandbars, coastal mudflats, and sandy beaches along the Teshio River during spring and autumn migration.

9 Eastern marsh harrier
They breed near the Teshio River, feeding mainly on rats and other small animals. After the summer breeding season, they migrate to Honshu and other areas, so they are rarely seen in winter.

10 Mandarin duck
They breed near the Teshio River and are characterized by their colorful male.

River Improvement and Management Division, Rumoi Development and Construction Department, Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau
