This video was shot by staff of the Kushiro Development and Construction Department, Hokkaido Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, during training to operate drones for disaster surveys, etc.
【ormer Iwabogi sluice gate.】
The old Iwaboki Sluice Gate was completed in 1931. The sluice was installed to divert water from the sluice to the Kushiro River when necessary, in order to divert the newly excavated Shin-Kushiro River and the Kushiro River to reduce flood damage.However, due to changes in social conditions, such as the transportation of timber and the replacement of boat transport with railways, the sluice gate is no longer opened and closed.
Today, the historical figure of the sluice stands out in the Kushiro Marsh, especially the building and the gateposts, which overwhelm the viewer.
The front of the sluice gate is a canoe port, and people who have canoed down the Kushiro River look at the sluice gate, thinking about the history of ancient times.
On September 24, 2024, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) announced 14 civil engineering heritage sites selected in 2024, and the former Iwaiboki Water Gate was recognized.
Video of Civil Engineering Heritage Recognition Old Iwaboki Sluice Gate
Kawatabi Hokkaido YouTube URL
A car is the best way to get to the site. There are parking spaces available, so you can park your car and enjoy the view of the sluice gate. Although it is not possible to enter the shed, there is a monument to the old Iwahogi Water Gate and the new Iwahogi Water Gate nearby.
Iwaboki sluice gate monument. The old Iwaboki sluice gate can be seen in the back.
Old Iwaboki Water Gate Map Code: 149 591 614*02