Organized by the Horokanai-cho Tourist Association, participants joined a walking tour of the virgin forest of Hokkaido University’s oldest forest, which is normally inaccessible, and a monitoring tour of Shumarinai Lake, where natural fish itou live.
On the first day, we were guided by Mr. Kobayashi, chief of Hokkaido University’s Uryu Research Forest. We went snowshoeing and mountain skiing into the primeval forest to see a huge 400-year-old red Ezo spruce tree.
Starting from the white birch forest along Route 275 to the primeval forest.
Akaezo spruce in the virgin forest at the headwaters of the Uryu River.
Mr. Kobayashi, chief of the Uryu Research Forest of Hokkaido University, who guided the tour.
A commemorative photo with a giant red Ezo spruce tree about 400 years old.
Bonfire with a lecture on how to build a bonfire in case you are lost in the forest in winter.
Tasting “sobasqeue cheese cake” made with buckwheat flour and eggs produced in Horokanai and tasting marshmallow cafe latte around the bonfire.
Hokkaido University Uryu Research Forest Office Building.
Move to “Fureai no Ie Madoka” to see Itou in Shumarinai Lake tomorrow.
Carpaccio of Itou (tasting) was served at dinner.
In the past, itou were eaten as a valuable source of protein by the residents of Horokanai Town. Currently, if the total length of the itou caught is over 50 cm and under 65 cm, only one can be harvested in a year during the winter season only.